This is an Education and Motivation program focused on eliminating Bullying, Domestic, Community and World Violence. It is based in Washington, District of Columbia (DC), the Nation’s Capital. LEADERSHIP begins here where there is a tremendous pressure to eliminate Racism.
There is something very special in each of us. We all have the collective ability to make a difference. Dedicated and meaningful Leadership with Diverse Partnership Linkages will strengthen our vision and give us the power to reshape the future now and for generations to come. For this, the entire world will be more peaceful and many, many lives will be saved.
Curriculums will be developed with educators, multigenerational students and families dialoguing with each other to change attitudes about RACE. This cannot be done without transparency and deep historical conversations. Attitudinal Adjustments will be a significant part of unlocking the Keys to assist in bringing information, some of which is both mystical and factual, botched together in a bundle of ignorance, which breeds both danger and fear. This will help us to become healthier as individuals, families and communities across the nation.
Racism is a growing beast which too often takes the serious symptoms of being an incurable disease; therefore, to a great degree, it must be viewed as a true daily 24/7 THREAT. The hate that surrounds our lives and neighborhoods delivers a message that it is likened to a Tiger running rampant in the jungle, seeking to devour anything in its path. Diversity with the right ingredients will help deliver the nation from too much negative adversity. The forward focus reality will become “The Trending Reality.” We must start a partnership process to rid the nation of this pain and violence. It is both mental and physical in scope.
Appropriate and Conscious, Committed Leadership and Partnerships will benefit the world, regardless of race, class and gender. WE must become “LOVE and RACE” Engineers to arrive at the mission goal of GRACE. The Nation’s Capital will lead the charge in helping partnerships, sponsors, supporters and benefactors everywhere understand that this is an “Educational Revolution” that cannot be misunderstood. There are too many lives at stake.
We begin by putting in place the Ambassadorial Leadership that will come from Corporate America, Social and Spiritual Organizations, Colleges, Universities, Public and Private Schools and all other consciously committed groups. We will begin by inviting appropriate individuals and organizational to participate, as well as financial sponsors. Dialogues with different cultures will be initiated. Our Police Departments, Responsible Law Makers, including City and County Councils, the United States Congress and related groups will play significant roles as we collectively learn the true meaning and relationship between love, race, hate, bullying and violence of all types. The benefits will be both beautiful and redeeming as we experience a greater sense of peace, justice and equality.
There are some good practices already in place. This program is trending on the reality that we must gather strength through modern education, communication and relationships, embraced by technology. Much post traumatic distress will be eliminated. Mental health is as serious as physical health. Both cause death. “SELF APPRECIATION and CARE” works wonders. The teach and search approach will be a conciliator forever.
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